Saturday 21 February 2009

Week 6 at a Glance

Wow, time flies and it is now week 6 already!

Notable events which happened this week included dinner at this restaurant in Millennium Square (no, not Millenium Court...) called Picadilly. Nine of us went there after our Accounting tutorial class, which finished at 5pm. But then we didn't really went there straight away after... we kinda go round and round and round... coz we weren't sure where to have our dinner=) I believe this is the first time I have entered a fancy restaurant (may I call it 'fancy'?) since a long time ago...

Oh, it's a very high class place I look at it. Millennium Square that is. But there weren't many restaurants that I saw... maybe I have not walked through the building properly...


Friday was the 10% Fundamentals of Linear Algebra quiz. Truthfully told I think I did okay only. I wasn't sure about the last question... will update on it when I get the result.


Oh, somehow I felt like I have been boggled down with a lot of things this week. Don't know why. There have been a lot of talks about accomodation in Setapak. No matter where you go, whether it is in the lecture hall, or tutorial room, or in the canteen or study room, there's a high chance that people are talking about this topic. Who is going to stay with who... where to stay... How much is this? How much is that? etc... etc... Well, a few of our class are going to Setapak to look at their potential accomodations this Saturday (today) after the Basic Accounting II Lecture... Will update on this too... I actually don't ask for a lot... juz that our place should be easily accessible, have all the necessary things nearby... that's ok with me.=)
