Thursday 19 June 2008

18th June - In the Examination Hall for the First Time

Oh dear... just because we are having two sessions of people attending the same lecture at different times, we can't have our test during normal lecture hours? Or is it that quizzes and tests must not be held during normal lecture hours? Anyway, I think that the former is true though...

The test at 4pm Wednesday was held at the main hall, and the arrangement of the tables and chairs were exactly like the ones that I encountered when I was sitting for the music theory exams long time ago... Luckily it was just a 10-marks test.. not those STPM coz I will definitely faint.

I chose to sit in front so that I don't have to be feeling nervous looking at the blank seats in front of me... But not really at the first row though... On second thought... I should sit at the area where most of my tutorial group friends sit...

Oh dear... this will be a usual scenerio for the few years to come??!! =S