Saturday 19 April 2008

Demopower Interview

Last Friday, went for the Demopower Interview. Well, actually it was really for fun. Hehe... Nothing to lose if they reject me... But if they accept I would be really happy... I really wanna try out promoting, just like those in the supermarkets (got inspired by those people while I was in Jusco working...)

So, I drove all the way to the Demopower office which was at Section 16 of Petaling Jaya. Was asked to sit in a meeting room. Then, a woman asked us to follow her to a training room which looks like a classroom. There, we were given a piece of registration paper. Next, they will call out one by one our names, and asked us to follow them to a room. There were two person in the room which I was usher in. A man and a woman.

"Introduce yourself, please."

I introduced myself la, of course. Very briefly.

"What are you doing now?"

"When do you plan to go back to study?"

"Why do you want to work as a promoter?"

"So, you actually work as a sales assistant in Jaya Jusco before?"

"You also worked at Sunway Pyramid as a guest service staff?"

"You worked in McDonald's before also?"

"How much was the pay for the jobs? Really RM3 only ah for McD? RM4 for Lagoon ah?"

Don't need to type out the answers, but I kinda think I answered well to those questions. Weird as it seems, but I think I was not being myself when I answered those questions...

"There's so many people outside, why do you think out of the bunch of people we should take you in?"

"What are your qualities? Why do you think you will be a great promoter?" (Or something like that...)

"Here's three products (there's a milk powder, a shampoo, and a insect killer thing... I guess-lah... actually I forgotten already except for the milk powder...) Choose one and promote to us...

So, I promote la... Actually I think I did terrible for this one. I don't know if it is because the two person in front of me are judging me, or maybe I just not up to the standard that they want... Anyway, hopefully, they can give me a second chance next time when I sign up again... (Oh dear, so fast already know I can't do it..)

After a few thank yous, and a few handshakes, I walked out of the room, and out of the office. The office was really like those typical offices that you see in the movies... and each one of them (if I remember) have an ad stand which helps you to promote your product... I guess each of them are in charge of a certain product...

Didn't time my interview, but it was not too long not too short. Very friendly the two of them. But I don't think I will be keeping my fingers crossed that they will give me the job... But at least I been in there, and got the whole experience of the interview... haha... Anyone wants to go there next time? Can come and ask me for some tips.. haha...


gNengKaiF said...

good try my friend!!!! but really i must say u need practice during interview and promoting stuff...=)
visit my blog more often!!

P.S: do enable ur comment so that ppl will post more feedback to you!
U can try using cbox and paste into ur template! It makes your blog more lively!!

cookiedonut said...

good luck in ur interview =D u sure can one!

Anonymous said...

can u add me up?
i wan ask u some about demopower 1.